Friday, August 7, 2009

Birth of first ever human Hazrat ADAM alehssalam

(This article is dedicated to the little 'Muslim' girl who would not let anyone make fun of monkeys because she believed in Darwin's theory of evolution. )

Allah is the only God and is eternal, even before Allah created the world, His spiritual beings, such as Angels and Jinnahs still worshiped Him constantly. One of them used to worship Allah the most and with all his heart, whose name was iblis. But when Allah decided to create another kind of being — who will live in the world and will be more special to Him and better than all of His other creatures— iblis became really jealous,and got mad because he didn’t want Allah to have anyone better than him. Allah decided to create Human Beings with soil. Just like making dough and leaving it for sometime to settle, Allah left the soil for some time so it could be ready to be made into Humans. My grandmother used to tell me that Iblis got angry just like kids do when their parents neglect them or take away something precious from them. iblis became selfish and did something so horrible, that it left Allah no choice but to be angry at him. While the soil was getting prepared to be used, iblis came and took all his anger out by spitting on the soil. Allah got really angry and told his Angels to separate the soil on which iblis spat, from the clean soil, and make Dog out of it. That is why it’s not allowed in Islam to have pet Dogs. They’re made out of something filthy. Even though they’re extremely loyal, their drool is off limits to Muslims because it’s na’pak and full of germs. Anyways, as soon as the soil was ready, Allah put souls into it In other words, Human came to life. Then Allah introduced the Angels to His first ever Human being, and told them to bow(sajdah) in front of him. Without any objections, everyone bowed(sajdah) in respect to Hazrat Adam (alaihis-slaam). Everyone but iblis, he disobeyed Allah, which made Allah furious. Allah told Iblis to get out of heaven. And told everyone to hate him because he doesn’t have a clean soul and a good heart, because Allah dislikes those who’re proud of themselves. iblis felt disrespected and got mad and told Allah that from that very moment, he is the enemy of all mankind. Allah told him that it doesn’t matter because people who follow the right path will not change because of him. iblis felt challenged and told Allah that if He is so confident about His creatures following His path, He should let him enter every man’s heart and see what happens and how everyone changes. Allah gave iblis a chance and told him to try his best to change His men, because He knew that the ones with a good heart won’t change just because iblis is trying to get them on the wrong path. For a few days, Hazrat Adam (alaihis-slaam). enjoyed staying in Heaven. He got whatever he wanted. Allah taught him how to pray and be a good person. After sometime, Hazrat Adam (alaihis-slaam). started to get bored and realized that he has no companion, he has no friends. Allah saw how sad or lonelyHazrat Adam (alaihis-slaam) became and created Bibi Hawwa for him. Bibi Hawwa was the first ever woman. Hazrat Adam (alaihis-slaam) and Bibi Haua got married and they happily lived in Heaven together. They were allowed to do whatever they wanted. They could go anywhere, eat anything and everything. Everything accept for one fruit. A fruit Allah strictly forbid them from even touching. But one day, iblis who was now sha’aitan, sneaked into Heaven and told them to eat it. At first Hazrat Adam (alaihis-slaam) and Bibi Hawwa refused but, sha’aitan told them to apologize to Allah if He gets angry ,and convinced them to eat the forbidden fruit. As soon as they took a bite of that fruit, their stomachs started hurting,(and as we all know that jannah is the most sacred place and there are no washrooms in jannah,so they became concerned about their hygien) Allah found out and got really angry at both of them for disobeying Him. After a while of them saying sorry(astaghfar), Allah forgave them but told them that they could no longer stay in Heaven. They have to go live in the world and start a family there and teach their children right from wrong. Allah told them, that whichever child follows the right path and does the right things, will go to heaven. But those who disobey, disrespect and do the wrong things will burn in the fires of Hell. This is exactly why our parents tell us to obey them and follow the right path, so we can go to Heaven, away from the fires of Hell. From this story, we got to learn many things. For example, we know that Hazrat Adam (alaihis-slaam) was the first man and Bibi Hawwa was the first woman. And that we are all their children. We also know all this is true because it is in the Quran, and Quran is Allah’s book. And every single little thing in it is true.

Extincting breeds

I am defiantly not against working women. If a woman can do something without disturbing her domestic life, so be it because its not only better for her family but also best for herself and we also need women in different walks of life.

All over the world people are trying to save those breeds which are going to be lost, but no one notice's that there is a gift of God "The House Wife" which is almost disappearing, because their low estimation and disgrace, importance of time and also some illiterate women sunk the grace of this noble job. Its occurred that whenever a woman introduces her self that she is a stay-home mom or a home maker, some people sarcastically ask that is that a diploma and they ought to know that this is not a diploma but an institute in herself which brings to society diploma holders, because the lap of a mother is the first and the best school. It is necessary to keep in view each and every habit of a child from the early stages, telling them bed time stories is a very useful method to rid off their bad habits in a smooth way, however a working lady herself feels tired and sometimes she badly needs some space to release her stress so that if she provides them good clothing and toys and feeds them timely she gets free from every obligation, and on the other side kids feel the lack of her attention at the time of needing help and they become frustrated and aggressive even though day care centers facilitate kids very well but sometimes they badly need physical bonding with their mother and that gap produces a big generation gap and insecure personalities. To the society its like being hungry for too long and losing your appetite. In same situation these toddlers have to wait for a whole day, with only a single sentence "your mom will come soon" and deep inside their minds, restlessness takes over.

On the other side when we reach on the depth of the saying; "behind every successful man, there is a woman" it means their must be a devoting lady who faces all the problems of the family and supports him in every part of life. If there are six to seven members in a family and just one woman sacrifices her career and is devoted her family, she makes six to seven careers at a time and as a mead or reward she just wants their love and respect.

But when the society despised the house wives like house flies, she ought to show how daring she is in order to regain her confidence, respect and self esteem, and then this delicacy must be vanished and the society will have to pay for it in the future

We are all creatures of ALLAH, He did not only make us, but He also knows our areas of strength and weaknesses, our loss and profits. He taught us rules and regulations which help us make our lives not only easier but more beneficial. Every person has rights and duties to perform and if he/she does it well, he/she has a better outcome, not only in this world but also on the day of judgment.

This world and the afterlife seem different but in reality it's the whole thing which makes us follow the right track through out our lives. Like during driving a car we have to focus far away because it helps to keep an eye on the surroundings, and makes it possible for us to make decisions on time and reach the destination safely.

If on one side God makes men the lord of his family and upper hand, the other side its a men's responsibility to be a bread winner for his family. And women are allowed to spend their husband's money equally (but sensibly and not without letting him know). Even if (God forbid) they get divorced, the man still has to pay for his children and ex wife's nessaccities, until she gets re married (it's a detailed shariah law).

But we cannot deny that in our era it is difficult for only one person to run his family alone and also if a woman is in special field, she needs to be in practice otherwise she'll get rusty in that case parents should arrange someone who is not only sensible but also loves and takes good care of their child(ren), because in a day care, a child could be just fine by eating, sleeping and changing diapers on time. But little kids always have questions popping in their mind, they want to know about everything and their personalities in the future, based on those satisfying answers, they learned how to lead a good life. A mother introduces ALLAH to her kids at a very early age, she is the first bridge between Allah and them.

These days every other person is complains about restless life. They have enough money to get anything but peace, they have fame, name, designation but no respect and the reason is only their careless and unobedient children whom their parents tried to provide every possible facility by turning their days into nights and vice versa.

ALLAH made women physically, mentally, and emotionally different from men, that's why she has different responsibilities. However if she starts a new job for more earning she automatically doubles her duties. She has to analyze everything before leaving home that is she really compelled to do so, or she wants to make more money, to make life more lavish or high standard. What if she turned her house in a palace and her children will turn into bulldozers who ruin or demolish the prestige of her home or it'll suck out all the happiness, respect, and love which is the true essence of life, because two things have the similar time to go when two things come into your life, tiredness and annoyance, slow poisoned tolerance and love and a home without tolerance, happiness, and love is like an examination hall, though its huge enough.

Every religion or nation have rules and customs which makes them civilized and these days everybody is getting amazed by the decreasing or declining values, of their younger generation.

As being Muslims, we always take our religion for granted, but other people not only study this 15000 year old religion but also adapt its sparkled values, lots of non muslim youngsters, trying to prove that woman should be stay-home moms, we can see on TV that in different prize winning games most people used to say that they just want enough money that their wives can stop working or start home based businesses.

People really want to save this world by all means but they aren’t, they know that the whole world is now living on the edge. And youngsters are getting annoying and hyper. I don't know whether or not their focus or target is right, but I believe that Islam always teaches us to be focused on our unit, means our homes. According to a hadis; The best father amongst you, is who provides his children(without any discrimination to daughters/sons) the best knowledge, and up -bringing, and for the woman, the lap of a mother is the “first school” of a child, and this way of a good unit turns into better ten's means society and them these tens will turn into best city, country and then world.